Saturday, 4 February 2012

Apartheid In Palestine

Terence Stone

The story is too long; and like all stories too long many people won't find the time to watch, listen, feel and understand--even to tragedies involving mass displacements, brutal killings and broken hearts. The threads of lives that were once a beautiful tapesty of culture are now shredded, scorched and scatterred.

Who are the victims of this saga? They are the Palestinian people, squeezed into Bantustans within occupied Palestine. Yes. The skills of South African Apatheid have been fully implemented with even greater sophistication by the State of Israel: pass laws; restricted movement; bulldozed homes; deprived of meaningful employment; spat upon; ancestral lands confiscated; mocked as less than human--all this and more.

Unfortunately, all of this truth is scrambled and suppressed by a massive Zionist propaganda machine unparalleled in the history of media control. How could this have happened? The western world is merely left with sound bites and gross revisionism that has us all sitting in the bleachers watching a perpetual gladiatorial tournament of barbarity in which, at a whim, Netanyahu gives the thumbs down for the next kill.

In 1917 Lord Balfour of England wrote to Baron Rothschild of banking fame and leader of the Zionist Movement in England (both of them buddies in that infamous aristocratic House of Lords that should long ago have been put to the torch). It became known as the Balfour Declaration, which said in part:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour and the British had no right to make such a commitment behind the backs of the Palestinians whose motherland it was. Oh, Jews already lived there too; but it was a land that accomodated both peoples side by side. In 1947, through concerted acts of Jewish terrorism and the planned capitulation of the British, the state of Israel became an ugly birth--lots of blood, you'll understand. The Zionist child lived, but mother Palestine was left to die on the birthing bed.

Since then, whatever platitudes of protections for Palestinians Bafour spoke from his forked tongue have been excised from Zionist exclusive expansion. Palestinians might just as well disappear at the end of the slow-motion genocide, which is clearly the end game goal of Zionist policy.

Mourn with the oppressed Palestinians during this week of remembering Israeli Apartheid--let's call it what it is. For Palestinians--now three generations of refugees: